Solving N Queens Problem Using Memetic Algorithm


The N Queens problem is a classic problem in combinatorial optimization. It involves placing N chess queens on an N×N chessboard in such a way that no two queens threaten each other. This means that no two queens should share the same row, column, or diagonal. This project implements a Memetic Algorithm in Python to find a valid placement of N queens on the chessboard.

Algorithm Overview

  1. Population Generation: We start by generating a population of random permutations of numbers from 0 to N, representing queen placements. These permutations ensure that queens do not share rows or columns.

  2. Fitness Function: The fitness of each solution is calculated by counting the number of queens that threaten each other, i.e., queens that share the same row, column, or diagonal. A higher fitness score indicates fewer threats.

  3. Parent Selection: Parents for the next generation are chosen based on their fitness. Approximately 60% of chromosomes are selected as parents to maintain genetic diversity.

  4. Crossover (Order Recombination): Parents produce children using order recombination. Two parents are randomly selected, and a random range is chosen. The child inherits numbers within this range from one parent and the remaining numbers from the other. This introduces genetic diversity.

  5. Local Search: Some children undergo a local search, where pairs of random positions in a chromosome are swapped. This simple adjacency definition helps explore the solution space.

  6. Mutation: Around 10% of children undergo mutation, involving shuffling a random range of positions in the chromosome. Mutation prevents premature convergence.

  7. Population Update: The best-performing children replace the worst-performing solutions in the population, ensuring evolutionary progress.

  8. Termination: The algorithm continues until the minimum fitness reaches zero, indicating a valid queen placement.


  • Population Size: 25
  • Parent Selection Rate: 60%
  • Crossover Rate: 80%
  • Mutation Rate: 10%

Performance Factors

Several factors influence algorithm performance:

  • Genetic Diversity: Maintaining diversity through crossover and mutation prevents premature convergence.

  • Local Search: Local search introduces randomness and exploration.

  • Population Size: Larger populations may find better solutions but require more resources.

  • Termination Criteria: The algorithm continues until a valid solution is found, so time to reach a solution varies.

  • Parameter Tuning: Fine-tuning parameters impacts speed and performance.


  • Python
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib

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