Morris Mano Basic Computer Design using Logisim

This project is part of a Computer Organization course and aims to design a functional CPU, enabling it to solve mathematical problems and run simple programs.

Hardware Components

The Morris Mano Basic Computer consists of the following hardware components:

  • Memory Unit: 4096 words, each 16 bits wide.
  • Registers: Nine registers including AR (Address Register), PC (Program Counter), DR (Data Register), AC (Accumulator), IR (Instruction Register), TR (Temporary Register), OUTR (Output Register), INPR (Input Register), and SC (Sequence Counter).
  • Flip-Flops: Seven flip-flops representing various control and status flags: I (Interrupt), S (Stop), E (Enable), R (Read/Write), lEN (Input Enable), FGI (Input Flag), and FGO (Output Flag).
  • Decoders: Two decoders: a 3 x 8 operation decoder and a 4 x 16 timing decoder.
  • 16-bit Common Bus: Used for data transfer between different components.
  • Control Logic Gates: Responsible for control signals generation and management.
  • Adder and Logic Circuit: Connected to the input of the Accumulator (AC) for arithmetic and logical operations.

Built With

The Morris Mano Basic Computer was designed using Logisim, a digital circuit design and simulation tool. Logisim provides a visual environment for designing, simulating, and testing digital circuits.

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