Solving Multi Flag Maze Using Q Learning

Project Description

This project focuses on implementing Q-Learning for solving pathfinding problems in grid environments. The goal is to determine and reduce the number of model states through state equivalence. The code includes functions for Q-Learning, pathfinding, visualization, and experimentation with different learning parameters.

Concepts and Components

The project revolves around the following key concepts and components:

  • States: These correspond to agent positions in the environment.
  • Actions: Actions define agent movements, including “up,” “down,” “left,” and “right.”
  • Rewards: Rewards define penalties and incentives associated with each state.
  • Goal State: The end point to reach, marked as “T” in the environment.
  • Learning Rate (α) Impact: This parameter affects the speed of convergence and oscillation in the Q-Learning process. It also balances exploration vs. exploitation and influences stabilization and solution accuracy.
  • Discount Factor (γ) Impact: The discount factor impacts the trade-off between long-term and short-term rewards, influences the optimal policy, and affects convergence and temporal consistency.


This project relies on the following Python libraries:

  • numpy: For numerical operations and data manipulation.
  • matplotlib: For data visualization.
  • networkx: For drawing network graphs.
  • networkx.drawing.nx_pydot: For graph visualization using Pydot.

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